Since 2006…the Most Trusted Life Force International Distributors Online was formed in 2006 by Darryl and Carolyn Schlicher as an answer to the lack of organic and natural liquid whole food supplements on the market. After seeing several chronic health issues improve with great nutrition and exercise in their family’s life, the Schlichers explored the role additional supplements and herbs could play in improving and supercharging what they were doing. After trying everything from basic drugstore brands to exclusive products, they came full circle—back to the concept their bodies were made for food, not synthetically-isolated nutrients.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t find any multivitamin and multimineral products that weren’t subjected to heat and dehydration processing…something that would rob any plant of beneficial nutrients.
Life Force International’s Natural Alternative to Pricey Supplements
Then Darryl and Carolyn found Life Force International, a US manufacturer of over 30 products that respect the value of whole food nutrition. Originally sold only through doctor’s offices, their Body Balance liquid whole food product has been proven over 30 years, with 5+ million bottles sold and over 6000 healthcare endorsements received. The complete Life Force product line offers any “body” just what it needs…naturally and elementally. When a body gets what it needs, it has enormous capacity to heal itself.
And while some elite nutrition manufacturers require you to join or become a member to buy their products, you do not have to be a member with Life Force to order through Enjoy their products as a customer, or take advantage of commissions from referring people to Life Force products simply because they are on an autoship. (For more information about earning extra money with Life Force with Team LiquidWholeFood, visit our Join Life Force International page.)
We Are Your Best Source for Organic and Natural Supplements
By purchasing through this website, you will have the owner answering any product questions you have and many enthusiastic Life Force corporate representatives providing you with customer service that is unparalleled. is your best online choice for organic and natural liquid whole food supplements. See what our customers are saying about us.’s Vision Statement: exists to provide people with the most excellent organic and natural liquid whole food supplements and naturopathic helps, and to provide interested customers with the opportunity to earn residual income for their own referrals to these products. We are reaching out to anyone online and locally who wishes to improve their overall health physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. We will provide our customers with excellent customer service based on treating others the way we wish to be treated, and our downline members with every resource they need to succeed in meeting their individual financial goals.